
Thugs Vandalize Sean Parnell's House

Combat veteran Sean Parnell is running in Pennsylvania's 17th Congressional District in hopes of unseating Rep. Conor Lamb (D). Over night, leftist thugs decided to vandalize Parnell's home and driveway with the hammer and sickle, the Communist symbol.

"Elections, no. Revolution, yes!" the graffiti on the garage door stated.

Parnell released a statement saying he would not cover to those who choose to hide in the darkness.

"Regardless of political party, those that choose to run for office do so because they believe they can help the country. It is perfectly reasonable to disagree with each other and with political candidates, but the way to do that is at the voting booth," Parnell explained. "I believe that we are at an important point in our great nation's history and I most assuredly stand against socialism, violence, and destruction. Hopefully, we all can respect our system of choosing our representatives in a peaceful and dignified way and no matter who we support and oppose, we do it with our vote, and not through destruction of property and violence to our fellow Americans."

It shouldn't matter how someone feels about a political candidate or their policy stances. No one deserves to have their property damaged or fear for their safety. 

Sadly, this is more of what's to come if the Democrats keep the House and gain control of the presidency and the Senate. And their supporters will stop at nothing to make sure that becomes a reality.