
WATCH: Biden's Face Mask Is Useless Because He Doesn't Understand How It Works

Joe Biden doesn't even know how to wear a face mask properly, but he's fully-embraced the universal-masking mantra because polling indicates that Trump may be vulnerable when it comes to the president's handling of the Wuhan coronavirus. 

Biden wants to paint himself as the so-called science candidate, in lockstep with experts like Dr. Fauci and the scientific community writ large. But the idea that Biden understands the first thing about science, facemasks, or virology was once again dispelled on Friday when the candidate removed his face mask to cough in his hand, the same hand the candidate then used to adjust his mask. 

Roll the tape. 

I guess Dr. Fauci was right when he said in March that a face mask isn't "providing the perfect protection that people think that it is."

Biden was also photographed indoors without his face mask on. 

And who can forget when CNN's cameras captured a maskless Joe Biden whispering into Anderson Cooper's ear at a recent fake town hall event as the camera pulled away for a commercial break?

Joe Biden is a superspreader event of germs and disinformation. It's bad enough that the poor people around him are lulled into a false sense of security by thinking Biden's fake embrace of "science" and mask-wearing is somehow protecting them. But it'll be much worse if voters buy into Biden's quackery and he becomes president. 

Trump now has immunities to the coronavirus, and who knows if Biden can even survive the disease. He's coughing now. The country needs a resilient president during the pandemic that Americans don't have to worry about keeling over.