
Even Dem Lawmakers Seem Shocked by Jennifer Rubin's Suggestion for Walter Reed

President Trump is back at the White House after spending a few days recovering from the coronavirus at the Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, the nation's largest joint military medical center. While he was in the hospital's presidential suite, Trump had the energy to carry out some of his duties and record a few videos to provide updates on his condition for the American people. He even summoned the energy to make a visit to his supporters who had gathered outside the hospital. He hopped in a car with a few Secret Service agents and waved to fans as they drove by.

But that drive-by resulted in another round of negative media coverage for the president. Outlets accused Trump of putting those spectators and his Secret Service detail in danger. And Washington Post contributor Jennifer Rubin put the blame on Walter Reed.

"Walter Reed MDs are morally and professionally responsible for allowing this," Rubin wrote of the decision to either allow Trump to greet supporters outside the hospital or to be released on Monday. In her next series of tweets, she asked if there were any adults at Walter Reed.

Then she made a suggestion.

And she got ratioed. (The Twitter way of saying she got wrecked for her awful take).

Some shamed Rubin by naming specific heroes who had been treated at Walter Reed.

Rubin even seem to raise the temperature of Democratic lawmakers.

Rubin can keep her bitterness. Most others are thankful that the president is steadily recovering, and appreciative of all the work the brave health care workers at Walter Reed are doing every day.