
Scandal: Did Nashville Officials Know Bars and Restaurants Weren’t Spreading Wuhan Coronavirus and Lie About It?

Nashville city officials have been caught red handed in their efforts to keep parts of the city locked down even though they knew Wuhan coronavirus wasn't being spread at bars and restaurants. 

Local Fox 17 discovered emails between officials in the mayor's office and the health department admitting the numbers were low, but said they weren't going to detail the cases in order to justify their shutdown orders. In other words, they initiated a cover-up. 

The coronavirus cases on lower Broadway may have been so low that the mayor’s office and the Metro Health Department decided to keep it secret.

Emails between the mayor’s senior advisor and the health department reveal only a partial picture. But what they reveal is disturbing.

The discussion involves the low number of coronavirus cases emerging from bars and restaurants and how to handle that.

And most disturbingly, how to keep it from the public.

According to Fox 17, the mayor's office has refused to verify the authenticity of the emails and is refusing to explain why they kept restaurants and bars shut down.

But the scandal doesn't stop there. The mayor also appears to have moved the city into a different phase so his son could graduate and then shut things down again. 

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has taken notice of the situation.