
'We Are the Firewall Against Nancy Pelosi’s Agenda': McConnell Previews What's at Stake in November

The fourth and final night of the Republican National Convention (RNC) featured one of the GOP’s most talented legislators, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Leader McConnell is to credit for more than a few of the legislative victories achieved by Republicans during President Trump’s first term in office. Most notably, the Kentucky Republican’s leadership helped confirm two distinguished jurists to the Supreme Court, and put a record-breaking number of judges on the federal bench. With Leader McConnell in charge, the radical agenda of Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer stands no chance.

The only party leader on Capitol Hill not from New York or California, Leader McConnell told viewers that Democrats do not care about middle America:

“I consider it my responsibility to look out for middle America. This election is incredibly consequential for middle America...Today’s Democrat party doesn’t want to improve life for middle America. They prefer that all of us in flyover country keep quiet and let them decide how we should live our lives. They want to tell you when you can go to work. When your kids can go to school. They want to tax your job out of existence, and then send you a government check for unemployment.”

Leader McConnell used his RNC speech to preview what America would look like under Democratic leadership, emphasizing all that is at stake in November. As he tells viewers, defunding law enforcement, restricting Second Amendment rights, giving healthcare to illegal immigrants, expanding the Supreme Court and giving D.C. statehood are all consequential issues on the radar of Democrats. 

“I am immensely proud of the work the Republican Senate has done. We are the firewall against Nancy Pelosi’s agenda. Like President Trump, we won’t be bullied by a liberal media intent on destroying America’s institutions. We will stand our post on behalf of the millions of Americans whose stories aren’t told in today’s newspapers. Whose struggles are just as real. We will continue to support American families as we defeat the coronavirus and return our economy to the envy of the world,” Leader McConnell concluded. “The stakes have never been higher. Which is why I’m asking you to support Republican Senate candidates across the country and re-elect my friend, President Donald Trump.” 

Tune into our coverage of the final night of the RNC here.