
RNC Night Four: Here Is What You Need to Know

The fourth and final night of programming for the 2020 Republican National Convention (RNC) takes place on Thursday night, when President Trump will formally accept the party’s nomination for president, again.

Wednesday night’s programming featured Vice President Pence’s acceptance speech, with a surprise appearance from President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.

The final night of programming includes the following speakers:

President Trump

Ben Carson

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell 

Senator Tom Cotton 

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy

Congressman Jeff Van Drew

Ivanka Trump

Ja’Ron Smith

Ann Dorn

Debbie Flood

Rudy Giuliani

Franklin Graham

Alice Johnson

Wade Mayfield

Carl and Marsha Mueller

Dana White

The president will deliver his acceptance speech from the White House's Rose Garden. The First Lady also addressed the RNC from the Rose Garden on Tuesday night.

Democrats' newly-nominated vice presidential candidate, Sen. Kamala Harris, will offer a rebuttal to President Trump's acceptance speech, from Washington, D.C.

Tune in to our coverage of the final night of the RNC here.