
Claire McCaskill Admits to Pushing Misinformation About Locked Mailboxes, Shrugs It Off

Former Missouri senator and current MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill claimed on Twitter that the Trump administration is not just "hauling" off mailboxes in an attempt to suppress mail-in ballots for the upcoming election, but they are are "locking them up" and provided a photo of a mailbox that was in Washington, D.C.

The photo was not taken in Washington, D.C., but rather in Washington state in Seattle.

When she was called out for the misinformation about the latest hysteria from Democrats and the media, McCaskill admitted to the mistake but added, "Same sentiment applies."

When National Republican Senatorial Committee Senior Adviser Matt Whitlock said it was, "Reprehensible, both for spreading dangerous misinformation and for stealing someone's photo without crediting," McCaskill deflected and said, Rush Limbaugh calling Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris a whore" is reprehensible."

Democrats have accused the Trump administration of taking away mailboxes to make it harder to vote via the mail. But, as explained by the United States Postal Service as far back as 2009, the USPS takes away mailboxes that get less than 25 stamped mail pieces per day.