
Liz Cheney Tears Into 'Radical Liberal' Kamala Harris

Former Vice President Joe Biden tapped Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) to be his running mate on Tuesday, and Conservatives wasted no time attacking her far-left record both in the Senate and while running for president. 

House GOP Conference Chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) says that the American people will see Sen. Harris’s record for what it is, despite attempts by the Biden campaign to appear moderate:

“She is a radical liberal, she’s somebody that has said we ought to spend $32 trillion on Medicare-for-All. If you look at her record, as well, in California, she did, in fact, essentially ban gun sales with executive action and she threatened during the primaries to do the same thing if she were elected here,” Rep. Cheney said.

Indeed, Sen. Harris earned the distinction of being ranked as one of the Senate’s most liberal members, just behind Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

Rep. Cheney took note of this, and said that Sen. Harris will have trouble winning over independent voters and in swing states:

“When you look at what she stands for and what she believes in, in terms of raising taxes, in terms of infringing on the Second Amendment, in terms of support for abortion up until the ninth month and beyond, she’s going to have a very difficult time in those swing states with those independent voters.”

The Biden campaign is staging its best effort to paint the running mates as bipartisan-friendly moderates, but neither Biden nor Harris’ views represent moderate ideology by any reasonable standard.