
Celebrities Celebrate Harris Being Tapped as Biden's Running Mate

Hollywood attempts to make themselves out to be diverse and welcoming to conservatives, despite all of us knowing that's completely false. 

Once former Vice President Joe Biden announced Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his running mate, celebrities took to Twitter to cheer on the Democratic Party's ticket. They also encouraged others on the social media platform to have Harris' back, meaning liberals, progressives and Democrats across the board should defend the senators whenever she undergoes scrutiny.

Here are just some of the tweets:

WARNING: Some have strong language

Of course, calling into question Harris' past and her record are somehow "sexist and racist political attacks," at least according to comedian Amy Schumer (who really isn't all that funny).

Some, like Cher, are so excited they seem to think Biden has already won the White House.

For whatever reason, Democrats love to talk about history. They did it when Obama became the first black president. They're doing it again with Harris because she's the first black woman to be a vice presidential nominee.

Hollywood seems to think they have the November election locked down. 

Newsflash: people still have to vote. Your candidate chose his running mate. That didn't mean you suddenly won the presidency.