
The Unbelievable Traits DC Museum Says Are Aspects of 'Whiteness'

Update: The museum removed the chart, but kept the page up.

Original Post:

Individualism, hard work, self-reliance…all good qualities that any person can and should embrace, right? Not according to the taxpayer-funded National Museum of African American History and Culture.

No, these traits, you see, are linked to whiteness and that in turn has “created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal,” according to the museum. It's no surprise that at the bottom of their page, Talking About Race, Robin DiAngelo, author of "White Fragility" is featured--the book Tucker Carlson calls "poisonous garbage."

To help get its message across, the NMAAHC created a graphic that explains further. In it, rugged individualism, the nuclear family structure, the scientific method, work ethic, being polite, and competition, for example, are all linked to “Aspects & Assumptions of Whiteness & White Culture in the United States.”

Conservatives on Twitter were enraged.

Others said Republicans should move to defund the museum.