
Watch a CNN Commentator's Coronavirus Narrative Over George Floyd Protests Blow Up in Her Face

Well, we all saw this coming, right? I mean, seriously, this is common sense. But in the Trump era, specifically the Trump deranged media era, the art of getting owned has been perfected by those at CNN. It’s a major hub for the former Obama officials and disgraced Department of Justice personnel, so you know the odds of them being wrong are astronomically high. In trying to weaponize the George Floyd protests against President Trump; they destroyed the lockdowns over coronavirus. 

Floyd was the victim of a controversial officer-involved fatality in Minneapolis on May 25. It brought into the limelight the issue of race, policing, and police brutality. Of course, there were going to be protests, but we were also not fully re-opened regarding the coronavirus outbreak. Well, that ended. The experts and the media said racism was just as bad as COVID, so get outside and protest. After weeks of telling people to stay inside, the message had flipped to ‘it’s okay to go outside since this is an issue of moral urgency.’ Most of the Floyd demonstrations devolved into rioting. As those simmered down, the media flipped back on the COVID panic porn. Nope. We’re not going back inside, especially after you told us it was selfish to want to re-open businesses in order for folks to start, you know, feeding their families again. 

Some of these clowns expected COVID spikes. The chair of the New York City health committee said if there were more COVID cases, blame racism, not the protestors/rioters. Oh, and Mayor Bill de Blasio’s contact tracing program won’t ask new COVID patients if they had attended any demonstrations. And people wonder why this virus spread so quickly in the Big Apple, the mecca for the US-based coronavirus outbreak.

But this nonsense by CNN’s Susan Hennessey is just classic. In a series of tweets, she peddled the position that these protests aren’t really responsible for the COVID spikes and saying so is just right-wing media hysteria. Remember, protests to re-open America and get people back to work are grounded in white nationalism or something, but Floyd protests are in support of liberal causes, so they’re ok; you can’t get infected. You’re impervious to COVID amid an issue of moral urgency. My eyes, and the eyes of normal people everywhere, cannot roll any harder. And these clowns are supposed to be the ‘science’ party, except when it comes to viruses and vaccines. 

Well, lawyer James Hasson compiled Hennessey’s tweets, which ended with her eating all of them because it turns out, and you don’t need to be a member of the elite to know this, that these protests actually are responsible for the spikes in new COVID cases:

Oh, it’s a beautiful requiem in four acts. And people wonder why the chant “CNN sucks” sticks with so many people. It’s because they die on these hills that no rational person would die on. Seriously, coronavirus is highly contagious. We have no vaccine. We were told to socially distance for weeks and now, with everyone outside protesting, you’re amazed or skeptical that this will lead to new cases. This is Idiots Anonymous at play here.

Luckily, the virus isn’t as deadly as the flu, and even with these new cases, the death rates have not spiked. In fact, COVID is so weak the virus might die out before we have a proper vaccine. In the UK, the race for a vaccine is being hampered by the fact that the virus is dying out so quickly, there aren’t enough infected people to run effective trials. Some of us overreacted, but new cases or not, this lockdown business is finished. The experts blew themselves up. And at CNN, it looks like some of their commentator staff really ate some crow for these horrible COVID takes in the aftermath of the Floyd protests.