
CBP Finds 9 Illegal Aliens, One Dead in Texas

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents have continually warned about the dangers of illegally crossing the United States border. Those warnings go unheeded by individuals and smugglers who continue to jeopardize the lives and safety of men, women and children.

On Sunday, Border Patrol agents in the Laredo Sector apprehended seven illegal aliens near Hebbronville, Texas. While questioning the group, agents learned about other individuals the group left behind during their illegal journey to the U.S.

CBP began an extensive search of the area and located two individuals in the brush. One of those individuals was unresponsive and the other was trembling severely, according to a CBP press release. Medical help was dispatched and both individuals were provided treatment. The trembling individual, a 40-year-old illegal alien suffering from severe dehydration, was taken to a nearby hospital for further treatment. He will remain in CBP custody pending his medical release.

The unresponsive individual was pronounced dead by Jim Hogg County Justice and Peace on the scene. The individual was a 29-year-old citizen of Honduras.

"The United States Border Patrol Laredo Sector would like to remind people of the risks posed by illegal entry, especially as temperatures continue to rise," CBP reiterated their warning in a press release.

CBP has saved the lives of countless illegal aliens who have fallen victim to the scorching Texas heat. CBP has placed signs and beacons at strategic locations throughout Texas ranches where illegal aliens are likely to need assistance and rescue.

CBP agents respond to requests for assistance all across the southern border. In April, CBP agents rescued four illegal aliens who called 911 after becoming lost in the mountains of California.