
Perennial Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Released in Illinois, Then Arrested by ICE

Guatemalan citizen Yoni Cruz-Lopez may only be 24 years old, but he's already racked up three DUI convictions over the past five years in a country that he's not even supposed to be in. Cruz-Lopez was under the legal drinking age when he picked up at least one of those convictions. Democrats in Illinois thought it was more important for the illegal alien to get back on the road again rather than to turn the dangerous criminal alien over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents. In 2017, a federal immigration judge ordered Cruz-Lopez to be removed from the United States after he failed to show up at his immigration hearing, as many immigrants are wont to do. 

ICE filed a detainer with the Illinois Department of Corrections in Jan. 2019, after the illegal immigrant racked up a felony DUI conviction earlier that year. But on Wednesday, Illinois authorities released the drunk-driving alien back into the community. Thankfully, before Cruz-Lopez could get behind the wheel of a car again, ICE agents sprang into action and arrested the felon at Union Station in Chicago that same day. 

"I want the public to know that this is an example of the type of dangerous person sanctuary policies protect – an aggravated felon,” Robert Guadian, field office director for ERO Chicago, said in a statement. “This targeted enforcement action was made in one of the country’s busiest transit terminals, possibly putting commuters and travelers at risk. This arrest should have been made in the secure confines of a jail."

According to ICE, the Illinois Department of Corrections cut off all communication with ICE in Jan. 2020 and now refuses to hand over convicted felons to federal immigration authorities. ICE says such sanctuary policies leave the agency with no choice but to increase enforcement efforts by arresting dangerous criminals in neighborhoods and public places. 

But Democrats don't care about the public safety or even the parents whose children die every year after getting plowed over by drunk driving illegal aliens. All Democrats seem to care about is giving illegal immigrants driver's licenses, counting them in their congressional districts and making it easier for them to vote. Democrats love low-information voters. And what better low-information voters than illegal immigrants who don't speak the language?