
The Fake News Media Has Trump's Team All Hands on Deck in Iowa

Even though President Donald Trump is the assumed winner of the Republican Iowa Caucuses, Team Trump showed up in full force. According to campaign manager Brad Parscale, Team Trump felt it was important to be in Iowa because the fake news media fails to adequately cover the president.

Of course, when the reporter from Reuters asked why the Trump campaign was in Iowa, she asked if it was a way of "taking away the focus from impeachment."

"There's a few points here, but, unfortunately, the media doesn't tell a lot of truth about us so we have to show up in force and they have to write it," Parscale said during a press conference. "I think this president is building a real organization. Everyone's said he couldn't do that, he couldn't do this. It's always 'he can't, he can't, he can't' and he just keeps doing and doing and doing."

Parscale reminded the media of one important tidbit: President Trump accomplished criminal justice reform, something Democrats always talk about but never actually get done.

"If we don't go out and show it, the media filters it," Parscale said. "We do focus group after focus group after focus group and the most amazing thing I hear after every focus group is people go, 'I don't think I'm hearing the real story.' One time after another after another."

The campaign manager reiterated a well-known truth: the mainstream media supports the Democrats' desire for socialism.

"And I know a lot of media pushed back on this but I'm going to tell you we're here in force to show the American people that this is a real movement, this president is serious about 2020 and we're going to build an organization because one thing about this base and the growing base that's occurring right now: they love this president, they love this country and they're willing to fight for it," he said. "And today's the first step in that fight."

Trump team members flocked to Iowa for this historic day: