
'No Benghazis On His Watch': Lindsey Graham Praises Trump's Response After US Embassy Attacked

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) praised President Trump's response after Iranian-backed militias breached the International Zone of Baghdad, known as the Green Zone, and attacked the U.S. Embassy on Tuesday.

The Department of Defense has sent around 100 U.S. Marines who are assigned to Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force-Crisis Response-Central Command to reinforce the embassy.

"The Department of Defense is working closely with the Department of State to ensure the security of our Embassy and personnel in Baghdad," Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said in a statement. "We have taken appropriate force protection actions to ensure the safety of American citizens, military personnel and diplomats in country, and to ensure our right of self-defense.  We are sending additional forces to support our personnel at the Embassy."

Marines are tasked with protecting American embassies around the world. In addition to the reinforcements, AH-64 Apache attack helicopters are providing air cover to the embassy.

"Very proud of President [Trump] acting decisively in the face of threats to our embassy in Baghdad. He has put the world on notice - there will be no Benghazis on his watch," Graham tweeted. "To the Iranian government: Be careful what you wish for — a country that depends on the ability to refine oil for its existence needs to be cautious. President Trump, unlike President Obama, will hold you accountable for threats against Americans and hit you where it hurts the most. Choose your battles wisely."

The militias targeted the American Embassy after the U.S. conducted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against Kataeb Hezbollah in retaliation for the killing of a U.S. contractor on Friday.