
Congressman Flat Out Lies: I Never Supported Impeaching Trump Before I Took Office

Now that impeachment is becoming increasingly unpopular among Americans across the nation, Democrats are doubling down on their past comments supporting impeachment. It's as if they somehow think we can't pull up their previous TV or radio interviews. 

Rep. Joe Neguse (D-CO) is one of those very people. 

During a CNN segment on Monday, Neguse said it was "not true" that he supported impeachment before he was even sworn into office. And guess what? The Trump campaign reminded Americans that Neguse did support impeachment before he officially took office. He said as much during an MSNBC segment in November 2018.

"I do [support impeaching Trump]. I think that there's sufficient evidence in the public square to indicate that this president has violated the Constitution and that has ultimately has high crimes and misdemeanors that would warrant impeachment," Neguse said. "There was a vote on the House floor over a year ago in which Representative Green, I believe from Texas, essentially initiated the process by which a full investigation into whether the president has ultimately committed impeachable offenses could take place. I supported that then and I support that now."

At least if Democrats are going to continue with this partisan witch hunt, then they should have the courage to stand by their past actions and statements. If they truly believe President Trump committed impeachable offenses and he should be removed from office, then they wouldn't go whichever way the wind blows. They would stick to their convictions and stand by their word. But that's not what politicians do. They say whatever they think we want to hear.