
Kamala Harris' Campaign Is Flopping. Here's Her Latest Pathetic Attempt at Raising Money.

Sen. Kamala Harris' (D-CA) presidential campaign is struggling for cash, and, as POLITICO put it, they are "hemorrhaging cash." A few weeks ago her campaign manager, Juan Rodriguez, "restructured" operations by laying off dozens of aides at their Baltimore headquarters and redeploying staffers to Iowa. He even took a pay cut, slashed the amount of money consultants are being paid and renegotiating other contracts as a way of minimizing overhead.

On Saturday, Harris sent out an email, begging supporters to donate to her campaign because "running for president is really expensive," as if the American people didn't know that.

She even defended Rodriguez's restructuring, saying it was something that had to be done because a crowded democratic field makes it "tougher and tougher to raise the funds" needed to keep her campaign going.

Her email was one giant sob story and, at the end, Harris throws in Jeff Sessions, Bill Barr, Brett Kavanaugh and President Trump's names as a way of getting people to throw their monetary support to her campaign again.

It will be interesting to see if pathetic emails like this actually have an impact on Harris' failing campaign. She's proven that her campaign can't be fiscally responsible. What makes voters think she would be a fiscally responsible president?