
Only a Handful Show up to Democratic Presidential Event

On Friday, six Democratic presidential candidates spoke to a handful of people at the first-ever "Presidential Forum on Environmental Justice," held at South Carolina State University. More people probably would have attended the event if they knew what "environmental justice" means. 

According to a press release from the event organizers, the forum gave "candidates an opportunity to share their policies and visions for the country through an environmental justice lens, and moreover, connect and learn from voters of color whose issues are frequently overlooked. The forum will center the voices of marginalized communities to learn how presidential hopefuls intend to manage climate change, environmental pollution and public health risks that disproportionately affect communities of color."

The event was hosted by the National Black Caucus of State Legislators and around two dozen other national and local organizations. Elizabeth Warren, Corey Booker, Tom Steyer, Marianne Williamson, John Delaney, and Joe Sestak all took questions and participated in the discussion. 

Before Warren spoke, Tom Steyer warmed up the crowd. It was surprising that Steyer didn't pay more people to attend the event. He must be saving his money to purchase more political endorsements, as his campaign tried to do in Iowa. 

Elizabeth Warren discussed her $3 trillion plan to fight climate change, which is on top of her $52 trillion Medicare for All plan she says billionaires will pay for.

Pictures of the event reveal how poorly attended the forum was, and maybe that's why all the other Democratic candidates decided to skip it.