
CNN Whistleblower Says Working at the Network Turned Him from a Democrat to Center-Right

The former employee at CNN, who worked with Project Veritas to film undercover videos showing the inner-workings of the network, said working at CNN turned him from a Democrat to now identifying as center-right.

Cary Poarch worked as a satellite uplink technician contractor and told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Monday he had been recording conversations with different CNN employees over the course of six months.

"I started in June of 2017, just like any other wide-eyed just wishful thinker coming into speak the truth, be part of the fourth estate and as the title said, within the first few months, I noticed that it was completely different than what I originally thought and expected," Poarch said. "I came here thinking this is my dream job and very quickly it descended into a nightmare that gave me trouble sleeping every night because it contradicted what I’d originally thought news should be."

Poarch has said he is not a die-hard conservative as he voted for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) during the 2016 primary and then voted for libertarian Gary Johnson in the general. He added he does not want to take the network down, just to have their biases known.

"But for someone to purport that they are straight up, down the middle, facts first, the most trusted name in news like the CNN of old, I saw many things everyday to the contrary and I spent the first basically two years of my employment there basically fighting what I originally thought," Poarch explained. "I mean, I came there as a staunch person on the left for in today’s terms, probably the far-left...I mean, I came here obviously as a registered Democrat, Bernie voter, I obviously was a never Trumper at the time."

"I’m actually coming way back to the conservative side and a lot of [friends] asked me how I could even thinking about being a conservative or conservative leaning and I tell them — I told them precisely working at CNN is what caused me to shift back to the center, center-right," he said.