
Trump: This Ukraine Hoax Is A Joke. Let's Have Full Transparency.

President Donald J. Trump addressed the media in New York City today at the UNGA for the first time since Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry into alleged improprieties taken by the president with the newly elected president of Ukraine. As the transcript of the July phone call between Trump and Ukraine shows, this impeachment offense is nothing but a joke. The president did not offer a quid pro quo if Ukraine investigated Joe Biden and his son Hunter's corruption. Wednesday evening, the whistleblower's actual complaint will be released. But the president told the world that he is calling for full transparency on what he says is a "hoax."

"I've spoken with leader Kevin McCarthy and the Republicans, many of them. I fully support transparency on the so-called whistleblower information," President Trump said. "Even though it was second-hand information," he continued before hinting that the so-called "whistleblower" is a partisan actor.

"But also, on Joe Biden and his son, Hunter," the president remarked in his request for full transparency. "I've informed the leader about that, and additionally I demand transparency from Democrats," he added. 

"They went [to Ukraine] and they wanted to force the new president...they threatened him that if he didn't do things" then they would withhold assistance, he observed. 

"Now that's what they're accusing me of doing, but I didn't do anything. It's all a hoax," President Trump said.

The president also slammed the fake news industry for their bogus report that acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire threatened to step down after the White House tried to censor him.

"The Amazon-Washington Post just put out a fake article...I was shocked because I know Joe, and he's a tough guy," Trump declared.

President Trump said that "the Democrats did this hoax...during United Nations week to take away from" various achievements he made at the UN such as trade deals with Japan, working trade deals with Pakistan, and India.

"Impeachment for that?" he said of the Ukrainian phone call. "Where you had a wonderful meeting, a wonderful phone call? That was the second conversation, I think we should show the first conversation...We should ask for VP Pence's conversation."

"First conversation, you can have it anytime you need it," President Trump said. "And I think they're asking for Mike Pence's conversations, you can have it. They are perfect."

"What [the Democrats] have done to this country is a disgrace," he added during a question and answering session.