
Former CIA Officer Has Some Strong Words For What Comey Did

As Townhall has been covering all morning, the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a blistering report that painted former FBI director James Comey in a very bad light. As Katie covered, the IG found that Comey leaked memos for personal and political gain. It also found he betrayed the trust of the American people by failing to live up to the "responsibility" of safeguarding sensitive information. When asked why he leaked memos regarding conversations he had with President Donald J. Trump, he said he simply said he did it because he loved his country. But, the report stopped short of any charges against Comey.

Here's a brief summary from Katie with the most important takeaway from the report: 

[The IG Report] thoroughly berates Comey for leaking memos about conversations with President Trump for personal and political gain. Most importantly, the report concludes Comey improperly released FBI material in order to launch the Special Counsel investigation into the 2016 presidential election.

As op-ed writer, former CIA ops officer, and Democrat Bryan Dean Wright surmised, what Comey tried to do was use his public position to undermine and possibly remove the president of the United States for personal revenge. 

"Comey unlawfully leaked 'to create public pressure for official action,'" Wright tweeted. "In other words: An FBI Director leaked info to force the appointment of a Special Counsel that would damage or destroy a duly elected president, all to suit his personal political agenda. Comey led a coup." 

As radio host of Salem's America First observed, this report for many will simply be more evidence of that Washington, DC and the DOJ is simply riddled with swamp creatures who aren't looking out for the American people or the constitution.