
Heritage Foundation Fact Checks Joe Biden For Saying It Doesn't Support Trump's Tax Cuts

Former Vice President Joseph Biden told a crowd of supporters in South Carolina on Tuesday that even the conservative Heritage Foundation admits that President Donald J. Trump's 2017 tax cuts did not benefit the economy. In response, the Heritage Foundation issued a strong rebuke of Biden's comments as being utterly false. 

As first reported by the Washington Examiner's Joseph Simonson and Emily Larsen, Biden said on the campaign trail that, "Even the Heritage Foundation has pointed out that his tax cut did not work." Biden was referencing the GOP tax cut of 2017 official titled the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act." 

In an email sent to Townhall, the Heritage Foundation commented that Biden's remarks "couldn’t be further from the truth" and the tax cuts have "been one of the strongest and boldest reforms of President Donald Trump’s first term in office." 

The Heritage Foundation's Adam Michel, who actually advised the White House informally on the TCJA, said, "The evidence is clear that all Americans are benefiting from the tax cuts. Following the reform, Americans across the country had bigger paychecks and businesses increased investment, wages, and jobs. Average wage growth has been above 3% for the last 11 straight months and the lowest wage earners are benefiting from some of the largest wage gains."

"Last year, The Heritage Foundation calculated what Americans across the country can expect from the tax cuts," he added. "The average household can expect about $26,000 more in take-home pay over the next 10 years thanks to the tax reform." 

As noted by Larsen and Simonson, Biden's "remarks came in response to an audience member's question about manufacturing jobs and the economy."