
Legalized Doctor-Assisted Suicide Comes To New Jersey This Week

As the pro-life movement contends against America’s ongoing abortion holocaust, another life-and-death issue demands attention as well: doctor-assisted suicide.

While certainly not the first state to allow doctor-assisted suicide, New Jersey’s legislation will take effect on Thursday according to CBS New York/CNN.

Adults with a life expectancy of six months or shorter in the opinion of two physicians will be able to request a lethal prescription. They will need to request the deadly drug twice verbally and once through writing.

According to

The law includes recommended language for the written request.

“I understand the full import of this request, and I expect to die if and when I take the medication to be prescribed,” according to an excerpt. “I further understand that, although most deaths occur within three hours, my death may take longer and my physician has counseled me about this possibility.”

“The legislation passed the state Assembly, 41-33, and the state Senate with a 21-16 vote,” according to The Hill. Garden State Governor Phil Murphy (D) expressed his approval in an April press release:

“Allowing residents with terminal illnesses to make end-of-life choices for themselves is the right thing to do,” he said. “By signing this bill today, we are providing terminally ill patients and their families with the humanity, dignity, and respect that they so richly deserve at the most difficult times any of us will face.” 

Sadly, New Jersey is not the only state where this death-promoting policy exists. Several other states already allow doctor-assisted suicide:

Physician-assisted suicide is legal in nine US states and the District of Columbia. It is an option given to individuals by law in the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont and Washington. It is an option given to individuals in Montana and California via court decision. Individuals must have a terminal illness as well as a prognosis of six months or less to live. Physicians cannot be prosecuted for prescribing medications to hasten death (Via CNN).