
Kellyanne Notes That This NYT Headline About the Debate Is a Problem For Dems

If you tuned in to Wednesday night's two-hour talkathon on NBC, you would have heard ten of the 2020 Democratic presidential contenders battle it out over who was the biggest leftist of them all. 

That's not just conservative audiences talking. Take a look at what the mainstream media had to say.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway noted how "fascinating" it was to watch the press expose the Democrats' radical agenda.

Several other outlets couldn't help but notice the candidates' lurch to the left.

“Democratic presidential candidates engage in ‘arms race to the left’ in first debate,” read a Washington Post headline.

“Democrats lead with their left,” says Politico.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), by far the most recognizable candidate on stage last night, got the ball rolling by admitting she'd abolish all private insurance under her Medicare for All plan. As Katie - and the New York Times - noted, that would kick 250 million Americans off their current plans. 

Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro (D-TX) had a few extreme ideas of his own, including abolishing Section 1325 of the Immigration and Nationality Act in order to make the act of illegally crossing the U.S. border a "civil offense" instead of a crime. 

There was also this.

The moderate ideas, by contrast, like those that came from John Delaney, were few and far between. But at least they weren't booed off the stage like they were at the California Democratic Convention earlier this month. 

All eyes will be on the next crop of candidates tonight, especially frontrunner, former Vice President Joe Biden. Biden was known as one of the moderates in the race, until he started flip flopping everywhere to catch up with his progressive opponents.

Debate night No. 2 kicks off at 9 p.m. in Miami. You can follow along with the Townhall team on our live blog starting at 8:30 p.m.