
ICE Has Thousands Of People Detained For Exposure To Mumps. Here's What You Need To Know.

CNN reports that an Immigration and Customs Enforcement official has confirmed that the United States government currently has 5,200 adults quarantined after being exposed to individuals with mumps or chickenpox, and in some cases both. 

The official told CNN's Priscilla Alvarez that "ICE has recorded cases of either mumps or chickenpox in 39 immigrant detention centers nationwide." Specifically, "4,200 are for exposure to mumps. Around 800 were exposed to chickenpox and 100 have been exposed to both."

This information comes as Arizona officials confirm that the state has reached a 10-year-high of mumps cases because of illegal aliens. "Pinal County Public Health Department said, as of Monday, they had 47 confirmed cases of mumps. All of the 47 cases were in correctional facilities and the vast majority in ICE facilities," the Arizona Republic reported. 

The situation is increasingly becoming worse as the migrant crisis continues, with many ICE facilities overwhelmed by the sheer amount of asylum seekers, illegal aliens, and other individuals entering the country. 

"This week, the ICE Health Service Corps issued a reminder to senior field leadership reminding their staff to review vaccination records and take appropriate actions," CNN's source told the news network. 

Recently, a government watchdog revealed one federal detention center was at 720% capacity with detainees literally standing on toilets for room. For example, the watchdog found "a cell with a maximum capacity of 35 held 155 detainees,' the report notes. And, the watchdog group also noted that "CBP was struggling to maintain hygienic conditions in the holding cells. With limited access to showers and clean clothing, detainees were wearing soiled clothing for days or weeks."