
Tucker Carlson Drops the Hammer on Ungrateful Ilhan Omar for Her Continued Whining About America

During a recent episode of his highly successful prime-time show, Fox News host Tucker Carlson did not mince words during a segment about Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. 

"According to Omar, there’s barely a difference between this country and terrorist groups like Al Qaeda. In a 2013 interview, Omar complained that people seem to think there’s a big difference between America and Al Qaeda," Carlson said.

As noted, here's the key line about Omar's story: she's ungrateful to America and has gone to great lengths to attack it. 

"In 1992, Ilhan Omar came to this country from a refugee camp in East Africa. Three years later, she and her family applied for, and received, refugee status in the United States. Five years after that, she became a U.S. citizen. She’s been attacking the United States as a racist hellhole pretty much ever since," Carlson said.
"Is she grateful? No. She never stops complaining. As part of that complaining, she made this now-famous remark about 9/11: 'CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.'"

For days Omar and her defenders have been calling criticism of her 9/11 remarks an incitement to violence. Her allies in the House, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib, have said opposition to Omar is racist and that America just "isn't ready" to engage women of color. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has blamed the backlash against Omar's comments on President Trump. All of this, of course, is nonsense. 

H/T RealClearPolitics