
Buttigieg Laments That America Isn't a Democracy...Because of the Electoral College

There’s now a long list of Democratic candidates for president who are calling for abolishing the Electoral College—among them is South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

"We can’t say it’s much of a democracy when twice in my lifetime, the Electoral College has overruled the American people,” Buttigieg said on Sunday. “Let’s pick our president by counting up all the ballots and giving it to the woman or man who got the most votes."

Twitter was quick to remind Buttigieg that America is not a democracy, and for good reason. 

This is not the first time Buttigieg has called for the Electoral College’s elimination.

“We’ve got to repair our democracy. The Electoral College needs to go, because it’s made our society less and less democratic," he said during a January appearance on "CBS This Morning."