
Misinformation Win: Just 21 Percent of Americans Think They're Getting a Tax Cut -- Even Though 80 Percent of Them Are

The GOP-passed tax reform law -- against which every Democrat in Congress voted, hysterically warning of 'Armageddon' -- reduced the tax burdens of roughly 80 percent of all Americans in 2018, including approximately 91 percent of middle income families.  That's according to multiple nonpartisan organizations and analysts, as well as the federal government.  It's just a fact.  But although the law has gained in popularity in recent months, and is viewed far more favorably than when the Left's dishonest propaganda reached a fever pitch during debate over passage, widespread misconceptions remain.  I shared this story on Twitter yesterday because the back-and-forth with a friend stopped me in my tracks.  No amount of information, including the admission that he received a tax cut, could convince him that he hadn't been 'screwed over' by the law:  

As a liberal who doesn't follow politics closely, he apparently knew what he was "supposed" to believe, and would not be moved from that perception -- objective facts, and his own personal experience, notwithstanding.  He's not alone.  A new poll from Reuters shows that barely over one-fifth of Americans believe they'll pay less this tax season, while slightly more believe their tax bill will actually go up:

The March 6-11 survey found about 21 percent of adults who had either filed their taxes or planned to said “the new tax plan that Congress recently passed” would let them pay less this year; about 29 percent said they would pay more; 27 percent said there would be no impact; 24 percent said they were not sure. The responses differed along party lines, with Republican taxpayers more likely than others to expect a tax benefit. According to the poll, about 33 percent of Republicans said they would pay less tax; 17 percent said they would pay more. Among Democrats, about 8 percent said they would pay less; about 45 percent said they would pay more.

It is extraordinary that nearly 20 percent of Republicans think their taxes will go up, while nearly half (!) of Democrats say the same.  The truth is that only about five percent of all Americans will see a net tax hike under the new law.  Almost all of them are higher earners living in high-tax blue states who itemize deductions.  The massively overwhelming share of American taxpayers simply take the standard deduction, which was doubled under the new law.  Their taxes were indisputably cut.  How has such misinformation been able to take root?

Yes, Democrats have been lying endlessly and fervently about tax reform, but wouldn't you think that the anti-darkness, truth squad in the media would be working overtime to ensure that Americans aren't swindled by false fear tactics?  Or does the fire brigade only swarm to douse five alarmers when they support the political party that's been victimized by the lies?  Hmm, I wonder.  I'll also say this, however: There's a good chance these polling numbers would be better, and public understanding of the law would be less misguided, if the Republican with (by far) the biggest megaphone were using it incessantly and creatively to bring the facts to voters.

 You'd think he'd have a powerful incentive to do so, as tax reform will be the top legislative accomplishment he'll tout during his re-election bid.  He'd probably prefer it if more people were pleased about the achievement, and properly understood how it's working for them.  This would require concerted effort, as well as less focus on ludicrous side-shows like blasting a subordinate's spouse and attacking a dead man.  Does he think the media is more likely to cover his ongoing soap operas and dramas, or this?