
NFL Star Benjamin Watson Has a Message for Beto O'Rourke About Third Trimester Abortions

Former NFL player Benjamin Watson had a message for 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke Tuesday after O’Rourke said he thought that abortions in the third trimester – well past the point of fetal viability – were a woman’s decision.

Watson thought Beto’s response was “weak,” arguing that O’Rourke should “own” whatever stance he has on ending a preborn child’s life from 28 weeks until birth.

The former New Orleans Saints tight end is very vocally pro-life and recently donated an ultrasound machine to the New Orleans-based ministry of Baptist Community Health Services. 

During a campaign stop at Penn State, O’Rourke doubled down on his position on third trimester abortion, telling the Washington Examiner’s Salena Zito that “those decisions are best left to a woman and her doctor. I know better than to assume anything about a woman’s decision.”

He also indicated that abortion coverage should be included in universal healthcare.

O’Rourke’s apparent backing of abortions past 28 weeks is a significant departure from public opinion and state laws.

According to the most recently available Gallup polling from June, only 13 percent of Americans support abortions in the third trimester.