
WATCH: New Video CPAC Video Shows Reagan's Chilling Warning That Is Now America's Reality

At the start of CPAC on Thursday, the American Conservative Union, the hosts of the largest gathering of conservatives across the nation aired an ad called "Fight On." The ad features clips of various Democrats, like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who talk about the need for socialism in America. The video also features a clip from President Ronald Reagan warning about the Democrat's ideas and their desire to push America even further the Left.

America is staring down the Left's attempt to drastically change our great nation. The warning President Reagan made decades ago is now our very sad reality. 

"You know, someone very pro-founding once said many years that if fascism ever comes to America it'd come in the form of liberalism. What is fascism? Fascism is private ownership, private enterprise, but total government control and regulation. Well, isn't this the liberal philosophy?" President Reagan asked in the clip. "The conservative so-called [philosophy] is less government, get off my back, get out of my pocket and let me have more control over my own destiny."

What Reagan said is 100 percent true. America's future hangs in the balance. Where we come from and where we go depends on what we do today. If we sit idly by and allow the Left to continue to brainwash our youth and mobilize, the America we know – and love – will be gone. We'll have the government in every aspect of our lives. In our bedrooms. In our doctor's offices. In our finances. Every. Single. Aspect. Of our lives will be long to them. Living a life of freedom and choice would be a thing of the past. 

There are no limitations with the Left. They want to take, take and take. Having any kind of personal property or choice of how to live your life is wrong in their eyes. You know why? Because that means that we're not all equal. We're not all the same. And not all of us are on the same playing field. And that's why they want to fundamentally transform America.