
The Death of Fake News? Trump Trashes BuzzFeed, HuffPo Over Massive Layoffs

It's no secret that President Donald Trump has been at odds with mainstream news outlets, especially when he believes they report "fake news." After massive layoffs hit BuzzFeed News and the Huffington Post, Trump decided to call the news outlets out for their reporting (or lack thereof).

It would be almost impossible for anyone with half a brain to believe that the massive layoffs weren't a direct result of last week's controversial report on Trump and his supposed connections to Russia. And the Covington story didn't exactly help their case or credibility. 

BuzzFeed's Editor-In-Chief, Ben Smith, went on the defense though.

And HuffPost's Editor-In-Chief, Lydia Polgreen, shared Smith's sentiments.

BuzzFeed reduced their workforce by 15 percent while Huffington Post let go of 20 journalists, The Hill reported.