
NYT Writer Bills Warren's 2020 Run as 'Awkward'

Reporter and White House chief correspondent for the New York Times, Maggie Haberman told CNN in an interview Sunday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) has been stiff and unauthentic throughout the launch of her 2020 campaign in recent days. Haberman describes Warren's social media appearances and choreographed videos on Twitter as at times extremely "awkward."

The CNN panel discussion began by showing a video of Warren's "Instagram Live" premiere which aired the night she announced for her 2020 presidential bid. In the video, Warren answered viewers' questions while cracking open a beer. Warren's Instagram live appearance was nothing less then "cringeworthy" if you ask me. 


As the Washington Free Beacon first reported, CNN senior political reporter Nia-Malika Henderson, opened the panel discussion by explaining how Warren's videos have missed the mark with her base. 

Henderson elaborates on her point, "Beer was said a lot of times in that clip," and the effort to seem relatable to young people seemed a little "odd, stilted, and scripted" while this all goes back to the idea "of which politician would you want to get a beer with."

The NYT reporter then responds to Henderson by comparing and contrasting the way in which President Trump on his 2016 campaign was perceived as "authentic" by his supporters.

Haberman continues the critique of Warren's video by suggesting she "looked stilted," while adding that her campaign did not handle the DNA issue well at all. 

Warren's outspoken claims of being Native American have come with fierce critiques who argue otherwise. In response, she decided to take a DNA test in the effort to debunk the "myth." After Warren took the test, it was discovered that she only had small traces of Native American lineage.  President Trump has recently taken the opportunity to campaign on the fact, while "trolling" the senator. 

Then, Haberman took an opportunity she couldn't resist by attacking President Trump and praising Warren for the fight she has taken directly to President Trump via Twitter and elsewhere. 

"I think that appealed to a lot of people, and there’s a bit of a chasm between that and then what we’ve seen here. A lot of this race for Democrats is going to be about not just who can take the fight to Trump but how you take the fight to Trump."

"I think that the sort of 'awkwardness' of her rollout shows that the Democrats are still figuring that out," Haberman concludes.

There has never been more uncertainty within the Democratic Party. The party will need to figure out not only a set of policies to place on the agenda but who their leader will be to unite and possibly run against President Trump. A fractured Democratic Party will show Americans yet again that Democrats aren't fit to govern in 2020 and result in unfortunate outcomes for their party.