
The Democrats Plan to Vote on Thursday to End the Shutdown

Shortly after Democrats retake control of the House of Representatives on Thursday, they'll be voting on bills they say can end the government shutdown. There's just one tiny problem...and you can probably guess what it is. The legislation doesn't include the $5 billion President Trump has demanded for the border wall.

The impending bills, which include $1.3 billion for border security and fencing, sans the wall, are nearly identical to the ones the Senate passed on a bipartisan basis. The House will vote on six appropriation bills to fund most agencies through September 30, except of course The Department of Homeland Security. They'll vote on a separate continuing resolution to fund DHS through February 8. 

Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer said it's Congress's responsibility to pass Thursday's offerings.

“It would be the height of irresponsibility and political cynicism for Senate Republicans to now reject the same legislation they have already supported,” they said in a statement. 

But, President Trump's Twitter page suggests he's not budging on that wall, which he said is essential to border security. He chided Democrats for leaving Washington while he remained in the Oval Office, eager to make a deal. 

Other Republicans are of the same mind. Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) called the Democrats' plans a "non-starter."

We're in the 11th day of the partial government shutdown.