
Trump Just Sent an Urgent Message About the Wall

We're on day 10 of the government shutdown and President Trump seems no closer to reaching a budget deal with Democrats, who continue to bicker over border security. Trump and his conservative base want a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, but Democrats aren't budging.

Then, on Monday, a New York Times report quoted outgoing White House Chief of Staff John Kelly suggesting that plans for a physical barrier had been "abandoned." Trump tried to set the record straight on Twitter.

After a few tweets about his foreign policy decision on Syria, Trump returned to emphasizing border security. As he's noted, he skipped his Christmas vacation to Mar-a-Lago to remain at the White House and try and hash out a deal, but Democrats have been MIA.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), however, warned that Republicans are probably going to have to give some ground on immigration if they are going to get their wall.

"The one thing I know for sure is nothing will get out of the Senate without wall/border funding and Democrats are not going to give us money for a wall/border security without getting something themselves," Graham said. "So here's what I think might work: $5 billion for wall/border security – Democrats have voted for more than that in the past – married up with the BRIDGE Act, which Sen. Durbin and I wrote, a three year, one-time renewable work permit for the DACA population, about 700,000."

As Beth noted, that kind of compromise won't sit well with Trump's conservative base.