
POTUS Previews His Meeting With Schumer, Pelosi

President Trump is sitting down with top Democrats Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to discuss his immigration plans on Tuesday. His top priority is to obtain funding for his border wall, not least of which is necessary, he argues, because of the migrant caravan headed to the U.S.'s southern border. It was clearly on his mind this morning.

Rumor has it that the Democrats are going to offer Trump $1.3 billion for border fence construction, but he wanted $5 billion. That offer may not have much luck on Capitol Hill, anyway.

"But that $1.6 billion would struggle to pass the House, where Democrats won’t support it because they say it’s too much and Republicans because it’s not enough," the Washington Post notes.

If he doesn't get approval from the congressional leaders, Trump tweeted that it's no sweat. He doesn't need them to get the job done.

Last week, Congress agreed on a short term spending plan to keep the government funded until December 21. Immigration remains one of the main obstacles to reaching a budget deal. If they don't reach the deadline, funding will run out for agencies like Homeland Security.