
Chelsea Clinton Speaks Out About Cruel Cartoon Mocking Kavanaugh's Daughters

As a daughter who was in the political spotlight herself (you can't get much more high profile than a presidential daughter), Chelsea Clinton understands that children are off limits when it comes to public ridicule. It's why she defended Barron Trump from online bullies last year, for which First Lady Melania Trump was grateful, and why she's now speaking out against the cartoonist who used his art to mock Brett Kavanaugh's daughters.

Chris Britt, a contributor to the Illinois Times, portrayed Kavanaugh's daughters kneeling in prayer by their bedside and asking God to "please forgive their angry, lying, alcoholic father."

Plenty of other people thought it was disgraceful. It was most inappropriate, Clinton said on Twitter.

Following the initial criticism, the Illinois Times deleted Britt’s cartoon from his official page on the website.

Conservatives who don't typically agree with Clinton commended her decision to speak out here.