
Want a Copy of Mark Judge's High School Memoir? It'll Cost You a Pretty Penny.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh's high school friend, Mark Judge, has been at the center of the sexual assault allegations made against Kavanaugh. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has made numerous statements about Judge's involvement in her alleged assault. In one account, Judge was in the room when the assault allegedly took place. In another account, Judge and Kavanaugh both pushed Ford into the bedroom where her assault allegedly took place. 

Now that people know Judge wrote a "memoir" about his struggles with alcoholism, people are flocking to read the book. And it's going for a whopping $1,899.99 on Amazon. The reason for the price gouge? The book is no longer in print.

The book, Wasted: Talex of a Gen X Drunk, was briefly published on Internet Archive but was taken down for "various reasons," Quartz reported, although it is still accessible to the general public.

 Here's the book's synopsis, as detailed by Quartz:

Judge’s GenX addiction chronicle covers his booze-soaked adolescence at Georgetown Prep alongside former high-school classmate and current Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.


Wasted details years of drinking, football, and sex. While Kavanaugh is not directly described in the book, most characters have thinly disguised pseudonyms, and a “Bart O’Kavanaugh” appears several times. An editors note in the book describes it as “based on actual experiences. In some cases, the names and details have been changed to protect the privacy of the people involved.”