
Red Massacre: Most Of The Candidates Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Endorsed Were Defeated Last Night

She’s not even in Congress yet, but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic Party’s rising star and unapologetic socialist, endorsed a slate of candidates in last night’s primaries. While all eyes were on Ohio’s 12th congressional district, Missouri, Michigan, Kansas, and Washington also had primaries. Ocasio-Cortez endorsed Cori Bush running in Missouri’s first congressional district and Abdul El-Sayed and Fayrouz Saad in Michigan. El-Sayed and Saad were running for governor and Congress respectively; Saad was running in the Mitten State’s 11th congressional district. 

Well, it seems the seeds of a left wing revolution won’t be taking root. All of the candidates she backed for August 7th lost—all of them. It wasn’t just by a little. All of them lost quite handily—some of them by a lot (via American Mirror):

El-Sayed lost his bid for the Democrat nomination for governor to 50.1 percent to 34.6 percent, according to numbers published by the New York Times. [It’s now 30.6 percent for El-Sayed]

Saad came in fourth in the five-way race, capturing only 20.1 percent of the vote. [NYT now says 18 percent]

Cori Bush lost her primary to William Lacy Clay, 62.3 percent to 30.2 percent, the Times results show. [Bush ticked up to 36.9 percent, but Clay ended up with 56.7 percent].

So, it was more of a red wedding. Well, we'll see how her final pick, Kaniela Ing, who is running in Hawaii’s first congressional district, does on August 11. Still, let’s say he wins; she’s one for four. That’s still the record of a total loser. 

Ocasio-Cortez became a household name among left wingers for booting Rep. Jim Crowley in an upset primary win that mirrored the GOP’s ouster of then-House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in 2014 by conservative insurgent Dave Brat. She’s anti-Immigration and Customs Enforcement, pro-Medicare-for-All, housing for all, etc. all of the left wing goodies you can think of; Ocasio-Cortez is for it and with it absolute economic catastrophe. She’s proven to be clueless on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and seems to know next to nothing about the budget. She said that the military had undergone a $700 billion increase. No, not true. So, at least her left wing seeds of revolution got drowned out. The last thing we need on the Hill are more of these clowns. I say that in general. Politically, Democrats--these are your crazed spawn. We're just here to watch the show, and see winnable races get torpedoed because these comrades are totally out of step with normal Americans.


UPDATE: Okay. We'll include James Thompson in KS-04 and Rashida Tlaib MI-13 as part of the crew, even though Ocasio-Cortez never tweeted support for the latter until after she won. She did stump for Thompson, so we'll chalk these non-explicit endorsements as full-fledged ones. She's two-for-five. Still pretty crappy.