
Man Suspected of Killing President George H.W. Bush's Former Doctor Commits Suicide

Joseph Pappas, 62, the man suspected of killing President George H.W. Bush's former doctor, has committed suicide after being confronted by two members of the Houston Police Department, Police Chief Art Acevedo said Friday. The suspect was wearing body armor and Acevedo said he's "convinced" Pappas would have engaged in a shootout with the first officer on the scene if a second officer had not arrived. When he saw the second officer approaching, Pappas shot himself in the head.

Acevedo thanked God for both the officers and the witnesses on the scene because Pappas was "a very good marksman" and "a very dangerous person."

Pappas shot and killed Dr. Mark Hausknecht while he was on his bicycle in Houston on July 20. It was reportedly revenge for his mother's death 20 years ago under the doctor's care. When authorities searched Pappas’s home, they found a very extensive "intelligence file" on Dr. Hausknecht. He "knew everything" on the doctor, Acevedo said.

Police will continue investigating the shooting.

Hausknecht was a surgeon and former cardiologist for President George H.W. Bush. He was 65 years old.