
Feel Good Friday: Youth Football Team Overturns Flipped Car, Helps Strangers

There are a lot of disheartening news stories out there right now. It seems all anybody cares to speak about are corrupt FBI officials, perverted Hollywood weirdos, or "comedians" with a penchant for crass language and unseemly remarks. But, out of Oregon comes a tale of good samaritans that serves as a welcomed breath of fresh air.

On Tuesday, a 65 year old husband and wife were driving in Oregon when high winds flipped their car. This dangerous crash could have been a lot worse as the wife and husband were trapped under the vehicle. But, a team of teenaged football players happened to be driving by and rushed to help the strangers. According to local media, the Boise Black Knights had just won a middle school championship when they spotted the car overturned on the highway. They then hopped out, pulled the husband out of the truck, and muscled all their strength to lift the vehicle off the ground just high enough to pull his wife out from underneath. 

The Black Knights, a team of mostly 13- and 14-year-old tackle football players, lifted the overturned car to help free the trapped couple after coming upon the accident.

The couple injured in the crash, Alan and Margaret Hardman, both 65, of Winnemucca, Nevada, suffered some broken bones, cuts and scrapes, but are expected to recover.

“I'll tell you what — I don’t know how we would have done it without them," Alan Hardman told the Statesman. "They didn’t even hesitate."

The miraculous rescue can be seen in the following clip. 

Last night, the team met with the Hardmans and presented the couple with a signed jersey and football. 

The team's coach was immensely proud of his boys. 

"I'm more than proud. I'm at a loss for words," Rudy Jackson said. "They got out of the car like they were supposed to do that ... it's a great bunch of kids."

As Hardman said of his rescuers, this story should serve as a reminder of the kind of Americans that exist in everyday situations.  “It’s a good story..It's good to see there are good people.”