
NYT Journalist Sounds Off on College Campus Vocabulary

Students on today's college campuses are being turned into "wusses," according to New York Times journalist Jeremy Peters, who spoke candidly on "Morning Joe" Thursday.

The school's war on words is partly to blame.

"That term ‘microaggression,’ that you are actually wounding someone, it's totally changed the way that we interact with one another, and really, I think made wusses out of our college kids," Peters said.

Microaggression, macroaggressions, safe spaces, you name it. These are all invented terms intended to baby Generations Y and Z.

When I was an editor on my college newspaper, we were handed a list of terms we were directed not to use. I don't remember every single word, but I know a sizable number of them had the word "man" in it. "Man-handled," for instance, was a no no. "Freshman?" Forget about it.

As a female student, I was in no way offended by any word on that page. But, even in 2012, schools were already starting to shield students from reality and keep them in that liberal campus bubble.

Students are not only finding their vocabulary limited, but their schedules too, as conservative speakers are disinvited or clearly not welcome on campus. Townhall editors Katie Pavlich and Guy Benson both found resistance on the most recent campuses they visited. Pavlich's lecture on media bias at Kennesaw State University in Georgia last night could only be given after Young Americans for Freedom chapter forked over hundreds of dollars in security fees. Over at Brown University, Guy was compared to "fascists" for his conservative views.

As USA Today journalist Susan Page said in the same "Morning Joe" segment with Peters, if you start "throwing around" terms like fascist for people who don't deserve it, "you have watered down the power of that word." 

"Words matter," she said.