
Facebook Vice President of Ads Slams 'Main Media Narrative' of Russian Interference

Facebook’s Vice President of Ads, Rob Goldman, tweeted last night his excitement in the charges brought forth by the FBI against Russian actors who attempted to influence the 2016 presidential election. Goldman also trashed the media's coverage of Russian interference, asserting that many are intentionally ignoring key facts in order to fit the “main media narrative of Trump and the election.”

Yesterday, Special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russian nationals for “interfering in the U.S. election process. In a detailed 37-page report, the FBI explains how the defendants used false identities to stage political protests, rallies, and recruit Americans in their conspiracy,” as noted by Cortney. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein emphasized that no American knew they were “communicating with Russians.”

After those statements, Goldman took to Twitter to explain Facebook’s role in the ongoing investigation. He pointed out a glaring fact that most anti-Trumpers refuse to accept - a majority of the Russian interference via Facebook occurred after the election and swaying the outcome of the presidential race was not the main goal. 

President Donald J. Trump re-tweeted Goldman, slamming “the fake news media” for ignoring Goldman’s claims.

Still, Goldman warns that Russia's ultimate objective is to divide the nation through misinformation.