
Ted Cruz to CNN: Um, No, I'm Not Afraid of You

CNN's Brian Stelter accused a few Republican politicians of avoiding his network out of fear. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Florida Gov. Rick Scott have been suspiciously unavailable for interviews, Stelter claimed.

"What are they afraid of?" he asked on Twitter.

Absolutely nothing, Cruz responded. In his own tweet, he reminded Stelter that he participated in not one, not two, but three debates on CNN in the past year.

Although it was a bold response, we don't need a tweet to know that Cruz is unafraid to tell the media exactly what's on his mind. Who can forget his epic takedown of the CNBC moderators in the middle of a presidential debate? Sensing a pattern during the October 2015 debate, Cruz laid into the moderators for their biased interrogation of the candidates. Why were they painting Donald Trump as a villain, questioning Ben Carson's math skills, and suggesting Marco Rubio resign from the Senate, Cruz demanded to know.

"The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media," Cruz said at the time. "This isn't a cage match."

RedState found other instances when Cruz was supposedly "afraid" to talk to CNN, including the time he gave the network some one-on-time on his 2016 campaign bus.