
Boom: Over Two Million Workers Have Received Bonuses And Raises Thanks To Trump's Tax Bill

The Republican tax reform package, the most extensive in 30 years, is so terrible that over two million workers have received bonuses and raises since it was signed into law on December 22, 2017. Paul Bedard at The Washington Examiner has been compiling the list, citing over 100 companies that have doled out bonuses of at least $1,000 or more since the bill became law, some are now approaching $3,000, with increased 401k contributions, and wages (via Washington Examiner):

A list of 40 firms offering millions of employees bonuses and customers fee cuts has surged to 164 in just 10 days as the likely financial benefit of President Trump’s tax reform has started to settle in.

“You’ve likely seen the news about U.S. tax reform. We believe these tax changes will be positive for our company, and provide us the opportunity to do good things for our Crewmembers, customers and shareholders,” said Jet Blue, which is offering a $1,000 bonuse to 21,000 employees.

Even before the list expanded in the past week, the bonuses, wage increases and rate hikes being offered by big and small companies and public utilities was praised by President Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Even part-time workers are receiving bonuses, albeit smaller ones. It’s creating a better job creating and investing climate. File this under Obama couldn’t have managed it. 

Companies also announced increased U.S. investment and boosting philanthropic activity as well. Fiat Chrysler not only said they would be giving workers a $2,000 bonus, but would be investing $1 billion in a plant in Michigan. Guy has also covered the damage, and by damage, we mean tremendous economic news; brought on by this bill. The Democrats rolled the dice betting against the American worker and middle class. Now, they’re choking on the crow they’re eating. And of course, everyone on the Left was wrong.