
Seal Trashes Oprah as 'Part of the Problem'

Not all celebrities are on the 'Oprah 2020' bandwagon. Singer and songwriter Seal slammed Hollywood’s fawning over Winfrey after her presidential-like speech at the Golden Globe awards Sunday, saying her hypocrisy on the issue is part of the problem.  

The musician posted two photos of Oprah with Harvey Weinstein on Instagram emblazoned with the words: “When you have been part of the problem for decades but suddenly they all think you are the solution.”

In the caption he wrote, “Oh I forgot, that's'd heard the rumours but you had no idea he was actually serially assaulting young stary-eyed actresses who in turn had no idea what they were getting into. My bad. #SanctimoniousHollywood.”

Seal has appeared on Oprah's talk show in the past. In 2007 Winfrey surprised him by reuniting him with his long-lost foster sister.  

While there were many comments on the post supportive of Seal, just as many criticized him, including model Chrissy Teigen, who was quick to call him out.

“Hmm. Let’s just say we’ve all heard things about each other, haven’t we?” she wrote in the comments. 

Teigen did not elaborate on what knowledge she apparently has about the musician.