
Coming to a Town near You? De Blasio to Travel Country Touting Progressive Causes

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio plans to travel all across the country in support of progressive causes during his next four years in office. The left-leaning mayor says his primary focus will be on economic fairness, reports the New York Post

“Democrats have to have the strongest most progressive message of economic change and fairness, so I think that’s even more important than a single leader emerging,” he said during a radio interview with John Catsimatidis on Sunday. “I’m going to go all around the country helping to support the folks who will be part of that change and the folks who believe in that kind of vision for the party.”

De Blasio denied yet again that this road trip is in preparation for a presidential run. For de Blasio, it is about regaining a message of economic fairness. Something that he says President Donald Trump beat Democrats in terms of messaging  to voters in 2016.

“That’s something Bernie Sanders did a great job with in 2016, and bluntly, Trump got a lot of that message out and attracted a lot of people,” he said on economic issues. “That should not be a message that someone like Trump can beat Democrats on.”

In 2015, de Blasio made a similar trip supporting liberal causes throughout America. Critics lambasted the mayor, questioning why he was concerning himself with other cities and locations when he was elected in New York City. He defended his trips by saying that his travel was essential to solving problems and gaining resources. 

"If you say we can solve all these problems with just the resources in New York City, well that’s great. If someone wants to argue that case, I’d be interested in having that discussion. I think you all rightfully said, aren’t there limits to what you can do with just the resources in New York City? And I’ve always said, yes, that’s true," de Blasio said in 2015. 

"I’ve got to use the tools we have here to address income inequality, and a host of other issues. But I also have to participate in changing the national debate and changing the reality in Washington in a way that will support the people of New York City. We’ve got to do both at once," he added. 

De Blasio did not say how he planned to pay for these trips. Though it is likely he will use at least some taxpayer dollars. De Blasio has traveled extensively throughout his time in office, with public money footing the bill in many cases. Previously, two of the mayor's international trips to Rome and Paris cost taxpayers a combined $41,000.