
Kellyanne: Nobody Cared About My 'Me Too' Moment

The #MeToo movement, a campaign of women across the country speaking out against sexual assault, are the winners of 2017's TIME Person of the Year race. Hollywood actresses and artists were among those featured in the report, but Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway was not included. She thinks her conservatism had something to do with it.

Conway claims that the media ignored her "me too" moment during last year's presidential campaign. She sounded off on the double standard at the POLITICO Women Rule Summit Tuesday. 

"Yes, of course I’ve had a ‘me too’ moment, but nobody cared about that,” Conway said when asked by POLITICO’s Anna Palmer about her personal connection to the movement that has seen a wave of women speak out about acts of sexual impropriety by powerful men. “If we’re going to have an honest conversation everyone — you can’t pick and choose depending on somebody’s politics.” (Politico)

Conway has also claimed to be the victim of sexism. For instance, in an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper last year, the anchor rudely rolled his eyes at her while she was trying to make a point.

The first woman to run a successful presidential campaign, Conway received little love from the media because of her candidate.

The media was all over the "Access Hollywood" tapes that came out last year before Election Day, where we heard then-candidate Donald Trump's "locker room talk." He apologized for his past remarks and Conway defended the Trump White House at the Women Rule Summit as being an environment where female voices are "valued."