
Chuck and Nancy Bail on Trump Meeting After His Tweet

UPDATE: The White House responds, noting the invitation still stands.

***Original Post***

President Trump tweeted a preview of his meeting with Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi Tuesday morning, casting doubt on any progress they might make on tax reform because of their liberal agenda.

That message appears to have upended the scheduled talks. In a joint statement, Schumer and Pelosi said never mind.

The power of a tweet.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan were also expected to attend the talks.

Congress is trying to pass a spending bill before the Dec. 8 deadline of a government shutdown. That deadline, however, is likely to be extended.

In a Senate floor speech following the scrapped talks with President Trump, Minority Leader Schumer announced that instead of a "show meeting" with Trump, he and Pelosi have reached out to McConnell and Speaker Ryan to meet in the afternoon to discuss spending. 

"We don't have any time to waste," Schumer said.

This post has been updated.