
Top Republican Slams DOJ's 'Terrible Decision'

After a review, President Trump's Department of Justice will not pursue charges against Lois Lerner, the former director for Exempt Organizations for the IRS. Lerner was at the center of controversy in 2013 when reports revealed her agency had unfairly targeted conservative groups for two years. She claims the process was not politically motivated. Yet, under her purview, the agency slowed the tax exempt applications of over 400 conservative groups, succumbing them to extra scrutiny.

Considering the scope of the scandal, Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) did not hide his frustration with the DOJ's Friday announcement.

"I have the utmost respect for Attorney General [Jeff] Sessions, but I'm troubled by his Department's lack of action to fully respond to our request and deliver accountability," Brady said in a statement.

Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) was just as peeved, calling the DOJ's decision a "miscarriage of justice."

This is the second time Lerner has escaped accountability for the Tea Party-targeting scandal. Back in 2015, she was cleared of charges. An investigation found rampant "mismanagement" within the IRS, but no evidence of criminal activity.

Still, conservatives feel as though justice has yet to be served.

Republicans have had plenty of opportunities this week to voice their frustration with the White House. On Thursday, Trump sided with top Democrats in a deal to raise the debt limit for three months. The GOP wanted at least 18 months. Then, we learned that the president took the advice of one of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.