
Podesta Claims Hillary Always Tries to Make 'Positive Contributions' After Defeats

Team Hillary can't let it go. The defeated side in the 2016 election has been using every excuse in the book to explain how a candidate with years of political experience could have possibly lost to Donald Trump. Clinton has blamed Russia, FBI Director James Comey, the "bankrupt" Democratic National Committee and sexism for her loss.

Some media pundits have blamed racism.

Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta is still "losing sleep" over the election loss, he told CNN's Alisyn Camerota Wednesday. He is particularly irritated by President Trump's "unprecedented" and consistent insults for his former opponent.

“You never saw that behavior from any other president who’s talking about the person they beat,” Mr. Podesta said. “I think it really just bugs the hell out of him that she got 3 million more votes than he did, and he keeps coming back to that. Obviously we bear the burden of having lost the Electoral College, so I lose sleep about that every night.”

Oh please. It's hard to have sympathy for a campaign so cocky that it ignored key states like Wisconsin, or failed to voice their economic message. Even Chuck Schumer can tell you that.

Clinton has a new book coming out called "What Happened," where she is expected to continue pointing fingers at everyone but herself.

Podesta, however (laughably), told Camerota that Clinton's book will be another example of her using defeats to be the bigger person.

“That’s what she’s always done in her life when she’s gotten knocked down," he said. "She’s tried to make a positive contribution coming out of that." 

I would still highly recommend his old boss's new book, however. After all, he did say he was having trouble sleeping.